Toovalu Academy

What is it ?

We’ve condensed 10 years of expertise in our training course, the Toovalu academy, to enable you to implement your low carbon strategy.

These series of courses will enable you to :

  • Fully understand climate issues
  • Become autonomous in the calculation of your GHG emissions
  • Determine your low carbon strategy and integrate it in your business strategy
  • Be fully onboarded on the Toovalu software
People at the Toovalu Academy
People at the Toovalu Academy

3 levels of course


1 st carbone footprint assessment


No preprequisite


  • Introduction to Climate issues and methodology
  • How to come up with your first carbon footprint assessment
  • How to have a successful onboarding in the Toovalu software


You have achieved your first carbon fooprint assessment and identified your first reduction levers


Steering & Autonomy


Must have done a 1 st carbon footprint assessment


  • Training on the trajectory, the action plan and the management of your strategy
  • Autonomy on the Toovalu Impact software and the communication of your carbon footprint


You are autonomous in updating your carbon footprint and have launched a climate strategy


Climate Champion


Must have a Climate Action Plan and indicators in place as part of your business strategy


  • Training in the latest climate developments, methodology and news
  • Building a clear vision and strategy of how to transition towards a low-carbon business model


You become part of a network of Climate Champions and move collectively towards new ways of doing business

Interested in Toovalu Academy ?

See our offers

Level 1

Carbon footprint assessment

Once you’ve signed up to one of our offers, you’ll have access to this 4-part group training course.
Individual coaching is also available if you wish.

At the end of this course, you’ll have achieved your first carbon footprint assessment, and will be able to analyze and communicate on it. You will also have initiated a first action plan to reduce your emissions.


Level 2

Steering & Autonomy

If you already have a subscription with us and have achieved a first carbon footprint assessment, you can enter this 4-part group training course. You will also benefit from individual coaching.

At the end of this training, you’ll be autonomous in updating your carbon footprint assessment in the software, and you’ll have launched your climate strategy.


Aller plus loin


Customer testimonials

it is important not merely to foresee the future, but to bring it about.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Citadelle, 1948

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